As previously highlighted, over 1.6 million people in Poland live in extreme poverty and are increasingly subject to job loss, food insufficiency, illnesses, and loneliness.

Community Refrigerators are the answer to the lack of food. They stand outside and are available to everyone in need. If you have too much food, you can put it IN the fridge; if you need food, take it OUT of the fridge.

What products can you bring to the community refrigerator?

  • ones that you would eat yourself and would like to get
  • those that have already exceeded the date of minimum durability (‘best used before’ date) but have not exceeded the expiration date (‘use by’). The term ‘use by’ indicates by when the consumption of a given product is definitely safe for health.
  • those in an airtight container so that nothing spills when they are taken out
  • cheeses, yoghurts, cottage cheese (all in their original packaging and tightly packed)
  • fruits and vegetables
  • canned food, original preserves in hermetically-packed jars

The community fridge in Legnica is the result of cooperation between the Winiary company, the CHOPS Foundation and the ESPA Foundation, the city authorities and the Legnica Food Shop. The fridge is located on Wrocławska Street near the ESPA Foundation social boutique.